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RJ Harshada
RJ Harshada
With an immense passion for voicing , anchoring , srcipt writing - RJ Harshada believes to be a continous learner . She has a B1 level certification in German Language.
She has worked with many establishments like Fire Station NMC for IVR .
Kilbil - Treasure of Stories was an initiative during Covid for children story telling which captured a nation wide popularity , where
she interviewed celebrities like Aroh Welankar and Radhika Deshpande. She is a Clinical Psychologist by profession.
You can listen heron Radio Udaan every Monday 9:00 pm - The Halcyon Show - your happy place and repeat telecast on Tuesday 4:00 pm. Its a show on mental health and its awareness- which is the era's need. Keep listening. Keep Enjoying.