Radio Udaan is a unique platform that provides a voice to the disabled community. Launched in 2014, it is run by visually impaired RJs and team members under the 'Udaan Empowerment Trust.' It is the only radio station run by disabled people and has been offering a wide range of shows for over nine years.
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RJ Harshada
With an immense passion for voicing , anchoring , srcipt writing - RJ Harshada believes to be a continous learner . She has a B1 level certification in German Language.
She has worked with many establishments like Fire Station NMC for IVR . Kilbil - Treasure of Stories was an initiative during Covid for children story telling which captured a nation wide popularity , where she interviewed celebrities like Aroh Welankar and Radhika Deshpande. She is a Clinical Psychologist by profession. You can listen heron Radio Udaan every Monday 9:00 pm - The Halcyon Show - your happy place and repeat telecast on Tuesday 4:00 pm. Its a show on mental health and its awareness- which is the era's need. Keep listening. Keep Enjoying. |